Economic Transition Plan

Executive Summary

An exceptional historical context

The covid-19 crisis is the first shock of this decade. There are dozens of convergent historical challenges upcoming. We will not be able to deal with them one by one. To enable us to deal with them, we will have to adopt a holistic-systemic view, develop methodologies and road books to more local resilience. 

This paper is about creating visionary and inspiring territorial pilot projects and initiatives to bring more coherence into our society – on all levels.

Today’s politics are facing those challenges, are tired and some of them even in a “tunnel vision”. Agendas are si!milar of those of before the crisis – fear has increased, trust is lowering. We are still quite divided. On most levels: regional, national, international and global. But the local authorities – on the contrary – are well in gear with local resources and dynamics.

The major reason for this checkmate is our linear and fractured thinking. This leads to “open surgery” often in the wrong places – sometimes creating more damage than solutions.

Ingredients of success : new thinking and updated intention

  • Systemic views and knowledge, complexity management methodologies
  • Collaborations with global “best in class
  • Getting prepared for the next steps of mutation, by building local resilience through collaborations between companies, public services and local politics, experts, citizens, academics, media etc. This crisis has “waken up” lots of people and companies towards more virtuous and coherent business models and innovations
  • Coherent and aligned attitudes and personal evolution helps. This covid “compulsory retreat” has helped lots of people to question their own life, values, life rhythms, and will help to align and solidify their future.
  • This shock has stimulated creativity and willingness to collaborate and innovate together – connecting the existing dots towards more agility, efficiency and sustainability
  • The shift will not happen at once, overnight. It will start in smaller circles, communities, “islands of resilience” as we call them. And they will experiment and inspire, and as a virus, be contagious to other territories and companies. This mutation is happening globally, everywhere, we connect those and learn from the best.
  • The next growth model will be intangible, immaterial, but well connected to the tangible challenges. New ideas, models, strategic alliances, will emerge and solve historical problems in very new ways.
  • This shock also helped to refocus intentions: from individual accumulation and ego, to collaboration for common progress. We are realizing little by little that wer will not succeed anything sensible alone. All together, in collective intelligence, we will achieve much more that all alone.


If the “post-Covid” is well managed, it could be as powerful as the post-war rebound and very invigorating for Western society. But for this rebound effect, requires having postures, visions, tools, reflexes, robust methods and processes. To date, unfortunately none of these ingredients are available by forming a coherent and understandable whole.

And if we wait, discuss without bringing a strong common vision, or if we stay stuck on an unattainable ideal, each passing day will cost between 500 million and 1 billion euros just for Belgium (money that we do not have ).

In this working document, you will find a draft of our first proposals, step by step, articulated respectively in “Top-Down” (messages and actions coming from above, from politics) and in “Bottom-up” (coming from field, businesses and citizens).

Because yes, as there are more and more people who are looking for meaning, fulfillment in their private and professional lives, consistency (bottom-up) – as much the economy itself must mutate towards more consistency, (top-down).

All of this is happening before our eyes.

But this will happen in stages, over a generation, because it is necessary to respect the level of consciousness, the maturity of each and of each company or organization. Some prefer to remain dependent on a system, others prefer to reinvent themselves, following their awareness. In the meantime, we will have to continue to show solidarity with everyone.

Because impossible to advance alone. We will not do anything alone – impossible. We are on the rope. The pioneers first, with their teams, the others then.

The next chapter of our western economy should be : 

  1. RESILIENT, AGILE and ANTIFRAGILE. Because this crisis is only the first one in this decennium. We need local “mangrove-ecosystems”.
  2. Solutions have to be SYSTEMIC. Because we do not have the manpower, time and money to deal with all challenges one by one. We need multisolutions.
  3. The vision should be MOBILIZING. Because we need the best of our people. We need heart-centered coherent businesses.

In fluorescent, absolute emergencies

In orange, the proposed concrete ACTIONS

  1. Part A: “TOP DOWN”: from top to bottom

The Top-down pulse serves several purposes:

  • mobilize collective intention towards a common, virtuous, positive and optimistic goal
  • open a fertile space, so that actors on the field can enter it, and carry out concrete actions

The contexts, challenges and resources of each territory are different. It is imperative throughout the roadmap to respect the basic principles of biomimicry. Because it is this element that will ultimately offer resilience.

Take inspiration from nature, such as a “mangrove” economy. Learn from millions of years of experience in ecosystem survival.

The human being is only an actor forming part of ecosystems anchored in a context, a territory, a climate, a biotope. It is up to him to make the effort to understand its context, its ecosystem, in order to integrate it with humility.

If this fails, the human will disappear (well known Darwinian evolution).

To succeed, let’s first return to the basics of the system of humanity and nature…

A1. The Planet: wisdom to rethink our links, our projects …

We must find all possible wisdom before we start. It already exists. Map the continental wisdom – which is already there – of the so-called “originary – native – first citizens” people and cultures. Each continent brings a type of wisdom, an identity, a package of human and terrestrial resources. Because we will have to specialize, focus on the best of each continent, country, city, business, and individual. Define the specificities of each continent (using the 7D-Value for example). They’ve always been there, but we haven’t really listened to them. They are the wise men, the Indians, the Aborigines, the shamans, the spiritual ones, the marabouts, the monks, … Their testimonies are there, everywhere, on internet and Youtube. Let’s go get them, put them end to end, and you’ll see that they almost all say the same thing. Always. Moreover, European civilization is the only one to have imposed itself as dominant on its environment rather than as a participant in a system.

Add this to the wisdom of “enlightened” leaders. Not new gurus in love with their egos, but humble ones, serving the community. Go get them because they are not the type to expose themselves … They too, with their intuitions and visions, are ready to put in a collective work to align a global vision at the service of countries, cities, and businesses.

You have to ask them how they see people reconnecting to the best of their ability, the same goes for businesses. But also their reconnection to mother earth, their territory, their roots and origins, their cultures and their hidden talents.

And finally, invite them to make teams work together to reconnect to the common good, through new multi-solutions.

All of this will gradually lead to more flow, consistency and quality in human societies.

A collective global intelligence …

ACTION 1: Project on mapping global wisdom on wise attitudes and teachings 

A2. Continental analysis

Each continent will have to do the same with all countries and regions, with its “intelligentsias of wisdom”, in collective intelligence with its citizens.

Detect the unique DNA of each basin, region, country, its culture, its origins, its resources and its unique knowledge. To be able to highlight them and put them at the service of the challenges sometimes encountered on the other side of the planet. Talents, expertise, specific industries, ancestral knowledge, unique experiences. Also, it serves as an international “PESTEL”.

ACTION 2: We must draw up a balance sheet of risks and advantages for each country or region. This job would fall to the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission. And then communicate it, tell the story of each, with their assets and needs. But, let’s do it in a participatory way, and share our stories to inspire each other. Let’s take a great look at our successes and our learnings. In order to then be able to cross all this in a more local, more intelligent, resilient and robust mesh.

In the process, let’s do mappings of different industries, different sectors, different supply chains. This is to cut them where possible, to diversify them, and then to cross them – so that the need of one is met by the resource of the other. As in Kalundborg, but on a large scale ( This is close to the idea of ​​the multi-dimensional circular economy but with, in addition, the intersection of ideas, knowledge, networks, common quests to be resolved, commitment, co-entrepreneurship, … this is where it will get really interesting!

The smurfs are adventurers, and go to discover countries and continents, and learn a maximum through meetings and challenges.

A3. Currencies

Single currencies are efficient, fast, but not resilient, very vulnerable. At the slightest shock and in less than a second, the waves cross the whole planet, all budgets. . Monetary resilience may be created by the multiplication of trading systems – complementary and counter-cyclical. When there is not enough of one, we take the other (see 

So, in order, to create monetary robustness and resilience, we recommend:

  • Globalize SDR (ACTION 3: Special Drawing Rights) for global and intercontinental transactions – rather than using the dollar, which is still a national currency.
  • The use of continental currencies (Dollar, Euro, ACTION 4: AFRO, …) for international trade in continental single currency, where it does not yet exist (without making the mistakes of others)
  • The creation of national currencies. Yes, let’s give the national banks some work. Dare to strike change. In addition to the euro, the Belgian Franc for example. (ACTION 5)
  • The creation of ACTION 6 city currencies (such as the Bristol Pound, the Lumsou in Namur or the Val’heureux in Liège), enhancing local exchanges in the same city.
  • The creation and/or boosting by recognition (ACTION 7) of local individual-to-individual exchange currencies (SEL, LETS, Time Dollar). There are already thousands of them. Continue, legalize where necessary, and strengthen.

This monetary resilience will offer an antidote to the breakdown of social peace. Because yes, if the citizens are lacking in essentials, they get angry … and take to the streets.

You could call it a “fractal economy”. A fractal economy is made up of a multitude of different economies that are all interconnected and complementary, creating interconnected sources of resilience.

A4. Inspire the citizen with a strong message

To go to war, it’s not just the officers who are going to fight, everyone’s going to have to be involved. Each with the best of himself. With his talents and special gifts. There is no one too humble to participate in building this world of which we dream. On the contrary, humility is a human quality essential for questioning, and therefore for new discoveries, methods and solutions. Sometimes significantly simpler than we imagine. Look at the intelligence in developing countries, how they do so much more with so much less. This is precisely what is of value today: knowing how to manage, together, in joy and good humor. Many citizens have had to work on their own for sometimes generations, while others have fallen asleep in comfort sometimes hard-won. This collective awakening highlights resourcefulness and common sense, family cohesion, group cohesion, creativity and inventiveness, all driven by a desire for “real and human things”.

We have entered an absolutely extraordinary moment in history. Unheard of in human history. No, it’s not a lockdown vacation. At best, a forced freeze frame. On the image of a world going into a spin, destroying human lives, its environment and ultimately also destroying the economic fabric. A compulsory meditation, a fallow of intellectual fertility, a collective retreat. We were able to ask ourselves the right questions. This shock leading to questioning. And this leads to new, more “living” horizons. As in the life of a person who has a serious accident, a break or a sudden career change. And who afterwards, in hindsight, very often say “It was the best thing that could happen to me”.

So let’s take the best of what is happening to us: Questions on

  • Our lifestyles, consumption, functioning.
  • How we use resources and how we represent them.
  • Our way of living as citizens, the quality of our relationships.
  • Our way of living together.
  • Our necessities and our superfluous.
  • Our vision for the future.
  • Our common goal.
  • And, prepare for the next wave of challenges. Because yes, this is the first of the decade, not the last …

ACTION 8: A strong and coherent mobilizing message

Once emergencies have passed, a message must be given to citizens of all sectors, all regions and all statuses combined.

Let us build together the world we want to live in now! We need everyone, all pairs of arms, all talents, regardless of age, education, race or religion, “let’s make system”. If we really all work together, we will be able to build the world in which we dream of living. Let us stop destroying ourselves with fears and doubts – we believe in ourselves. Let’s begin without delay to collaborate and contribute to common challenges.

(media, dedicated press conference, paper,…)

Lets co-innovate, in a Win-Win-Win-Win dynamics (win for you, for the company, for society and multiple stakeholders – and for nature)

And what about growth?

Admittedly, it is essential that we continue to move forward. May we continue to move forward and improve our quality of life. But it is clear that not all of us, with almost 8 billion humans, can afford an ever more luxurious and effortless life. So, what “better” way forward? Towards a better one than we can afford. Towards a better human. Let’s play the game of nature, since we obviously cannot challenge it and develop man’s abilities. Let us develop well-being in order to give free rein to the development of new unexpected human talents. And each identity brings innovation. But for this development to take place, it is essential to provide everyone with a roof over their head, physical, social and mental health, which depends on the quality of relationships, education and a healthy environment. These are the bases to acquire for true human growth. Let’s explore our capabilities and develop them endlessly.

This is what we are proposing: immaterialism .

Yes, infinite growth is possible – and desirable – but this time at intangible, intangible levels: knowledge, new ideas, creativity, collective progress, happiness, sensoriality, relationships and communities of passions and mutual help tribes, … The costs inefficiency and entropy will be compensated by a new commitment, an awakened creativity. But, this will not come by itself… (see rest of the proposed Plan).

Material growth must be capped at a level that allows the earth to regenerate. We must develop our (intangible) ideas to regenerate our material world – or at least stop destroying it.

No longer “protect” our good ideas with patents, but open them to collaborations to enrich and develop them. Because moreover, there are many more good ideas than there are competent entrepreneurs to carry them out. Enhance existing intangible values ​​and put them at the service of the challenges of the territory in question.

Future growth is largely possible, by activating co-innovation, collaboration, collective intelligence. It will solve our very tangible issues on resources, well-being and environment too.

A5. Create and / or strengthen “incubation places”

Invite collectives to come together and co-create in incubation places (existing or to be created, even in each village, town …). Incubators, start-up labs, fablabs, coworkings. Co-piloted by shared public-private-associative governance through co-financing of the activity.

Estimated cost: between 50.000 and 150.000 euros/ city or territory (part of it is co-financed by local companies and citizens)

ACTION 9: Boost existing incubation places into public private projects creating more resilience, with adapted training and entrepreneurial programs (ex. Extrapreneurs)

The Marsupilami defends the meeting place, this nest, in the face of adversity

A6. Create and Operate a “Systemic Economy Transition Center & Taskforce”

ACTION 10: Systemic Economy Transition Excellence Center & Task Force

In a rapidly changing world, we wish to take advantage of the opportunity which presents itself to Belgium to play a full role of initiator, leadership and actor of the necessary changes by using its strategic situation of capital of the European institutions “Brussels” where most of the embassies of large public development cooperation institutions are present, but also International Financial Institutions (IFI) of large environmental NGOs (Greenpeace, WWF Friends of the Earth), but also of international solidarity (Amnesty international CARE, MSF, MDM etc.).

The intention also is to develop over the long term world summits which will bring together the leaders of public international development agencies who have the capacity for a systemic reflection of development, so that a credible Alter-Davos can emerge, and thus promote and give weight and influence to Belgian representatives in international organizations around a new systemic and prospective intelligence.

And most of all, learn from the global best-in-class. No reinventing the wheel, but improving and adapting to local contexts.


First location proposal: in Brussels


Systemic anticipation will be crucial not to lose time and money, and human casualties because of social unrest following lockdown, and anticipate future shocks.

Systemic challenges need systemic answers. Brussels can be the first excellence knowledge center for systemic solutions, with belgian territory as first showcase economy to apply these collaborative approaches. All implemented solutions will be exportable worldwide. Prepare companies to mutate into agility, in order to be able to face other shocks, and develop more resilience and new business models. Reassure and empower citizens and teams (social peace). Educate in new business models and methods of creating multiple added value. The Covid-19 crisis only accelerates the already existing urgencies of a systemic shift of economy.


A. Communication:
  1. Constant and reassuring information about agile solutions (through all social medias and press, radio & TV)
  2. Broad education on systemic collaborative solutions, best practices and testimonies
  3. Mobilisation and bottom-up action
B. Actions and output:
  1. Global knowledge base of systemic solutions, local and global, to multiple historical challenges – environmental, economical and social
  2. Links with and learning from global systemic and complexity management experts 
  3. Links with actors in the field, in systemic business models and complexity management
  4. Links with think tanks that can bring solutions to issues and networks to disseminate solutions
  5. Links with citizens, in order to define the priorities of each, and arrow them towards local co-entrepreneurship (Extrapreneurs)
  6. Publications of articles, manuals and books: press, media, social networks, blogs
  7. Video studio with multilingual Webtv 
  8. Development and distribution of online and face-to-face training
    1. for politics and diplomats
    2. for managers, entrepreneurs and investors
    3. for people in career transition (outplacement etc)
    4. for students of all ages
  9. Cross-sectoral knowledge center, evolution of trades and sectors, facing future challenges
  10. Social, economic and environmental issues: systems approach, planning, anticipation, predictions, risk management (Doughnut Economy 2.0)
  11. Advocacy with governments, EU and UN
  12. Expert conference board
  13. Cross-research between sciences – academic & scientific collaborations for research
  14. Rethink coherent and balanced monetary system and easing, best practices and testing
  15. Events:
    1. annual summit
    2. monthly regional events
    3. online events, keynotes and trainings
  16. For and with City- and regional authorities: 
    1. Bottom-up blueprint for reconstruction and “Vital Functions” fill-in, in urgency, and sustainably on longer term, interconnected with online collaborative platform. Collaborative peer to peer platform for solution development
    2. Online platform for sharing of these practices, organized per function

Estimated cost of the center: 

2 million euros for the first year of scale up of existing “Club of Brussels”. 

The next years progressively auto-financed. 

Budget includes: 

+/- 50 FTE team: experts, task forces, communication team, educational team, conference board, publishing (papers, books, articles, tutorials, manuals).

Rental offices and fixed office costs in Brussels

Publishing costs and video editing – multilingual

Several online events

Yearly event in presencing

Most tools and approaches exist, and only need staff to implement. We are in action mode.

Estimated cost of late action: 

Circa 500 million to 1 Bn€/day for a country the size of Belgium, 

Circa 50 billion€/day for EU.

  • direct and indirect costs of casualties
  • long term damage to economy
  • risk of social unrest

Why it is unique: 

  • Non dogmatic 
  • It will help to create global resilience towards next multiple shocks
  • Gives pragmatic answers to complex problems
  • Systemic and complexity management intelligence vulgarized
  • GLocal answers (Cosmo-Local), creating local intertwined “mangrove” multiple added value economy ecosystems
  • Strong human-centered, regenerative, co-entrepreneurial triple helix philosophy, leveraging and multiplying existing intangible value
  • 15 years of experience on intangibles, systemic models, education & tools building, keynotes & clients in 16 countries, and publishing  
  • Intercontinental network and academic recognition 

A few examples of “glocal scalable” solutions : (+/- 100 examples in Wise Paper 3)

  • Decentralized waste treatment (CO2 impact 80% less)
  • Local production of vegetable juices in bulk
  • Public real estate multifunctional valorisation 
  • Peer-to-peer learning of hard and soft skills (cost -70%)
  • House for post-cancer revalidation (-50% of relapse)
  • House for mental health recovery and community (recidivism -90%)
  • Multiple Family capital management
  • Low cost rental eco-housing building and investment (cost -50%)
  • Impact Business Clubs

Yes, this crazy project which consisted of going to the Moon …

For us, that means bringing together the best of everyone to make it all happen for real.

A7. Reassure, inform, educate


Explain well to the general public what is happening, where we are going, and that the solutions exist as long as we really collaborate, on the ground, to create new resilient economic ecosystems.

ACTION 11: Large public collaborative information and education campaign on paradigm shift 

Inform at transition

Continuous information, open the project box by creating (local) resilience for the vital functions of society.

Continuously and transparently, in order to explain the progress of the agendas for concrete projects, good news in the various media.

Educate in transition

Through communications, online and face-to-face training. Build up the people ready to learn the keys to the so-called “systemic” economic transition (collaborative, circular, social, positive and regenerative …).

Human development management

ACTION 12: Measure what matters really

Bring the human development management methods:

In families

In companies

In communities

In schools and universities

In the various territories

In particular, use alternative indicators such as the “national growth of happiness” method known by the United Nations since the 1970s. Introduced by Bhutan as an alternative to GDP as a measure of a country’s health . Focuses on human well-being and the health of the Earth.

Complexity management

Bring the keys and methods to manage and solve complex issues. all within the framework of a collective intelligence:

Develop a “peace of mind”

Mapping context

Build common intention: the destination

Systemic mapping of challenges

Extract top three with highest leverage

Example of manual:

Club of Brussels –  Wise Paper 2: Guide de la pensée systémique)

  • Online training
  • Reverse classrooms
  • Experiential learning and action learning
  • Field coalitions – face-to-face and learning tribes
  • P2P learning (peer to peer learning)

ACTION 13: Education programs – (Already ongoing)

A8. Global Crowdsourcing of ideas and projects on the field

Organize the gathering of ideas, projects, existing best practices, local networking of the economy, local or regional ways of responding to the vital functions of society.

There are thousands of blogs, sites and collectives to use as resources

Let’s bring it all together through the selection grid:


regenerative, or at least sustainable

people centered and respectful for their growth 



open source

meeting several challenges (= multisolution)


linked each time to an opinion leadership center on the subject

Around the dozen “vital functions of society” – or Donut Economy 2.0

(We have started our “Wise Paper 3” with 100 multi-solutions.)

ACTION 14: Crowdsourcing of virtuous ideas for resilience – (ongoing)  

A9. Relative prices

It consists in the integration of negative externalities in the sales price of goods. CO2 impact, social dumping, pollution, etc. It would be a new taxation which will enable financing of sustainable solutions within the borders of the country or continent.

ACTION 15: Implement taxation and relative prices on resources, raw materials, half finished and finished products,  and services

Part B : BOTTOM UP – ramp up from the ground 

B1. B2B leadership groups

  • Create, transfer, or support groups and clubs of leaders (intersectoral, private, associative or public) in order to:
  • reconnecting businesses, associations, political powers, collectives so as to be able to reorganize the economy and society at local, provincial and regional, or even national, level.
  • manage, with the sharing of good practices, emergencies (short-term cash, vital functions of organizations, motivation of troops, etc.)
  • imagine medium-term alliances around projects with social and environmental added value, so as to regenerate economy, build loyalty, increase the attractiveness of each organization and business.
  • rethinking long-term business models
  • cross underutilized resources between them and on the margins
  • bring more consistency in the way of operating and taking part in the economy
  • “Wise Impact Leaders Clubs” (2 pilot groups already underway)
  • share stories of trial and error to inspire others

ACTION 16: Initiate and boost local B2B leaders groups 

B2. Local Co-entrepreneurship local in quintuple helix

Stimulate local co-entrepreneurship coalitions as well as lab startups, incubators, hackathons linked to networks of entrepreneurs, studio entrepreneurs, etc.

But above all, with new methods over time, truly collaborative, open, participative, multi-stakeholder, multi-solution, etc.   This will solidify the social fabric, increase resilience, create jobs adapted to the needs of local territories.

“Ecological, Economic and Social Transition Cooperatives”

Legal status: SC or company

Possible financial support: to do with public authorities

Acceptance conditions:

– systemic multisolution

– triple helix: collaboration between

     1 company actor

     1 public actor

     1 community player / citizen

– ideally, housed in incubation places

ACTION 17: Local Co-entrepreneurship local in quintuple helix (Cfr. A5, Idem Action 9)

Ideally, start quickly 5 or 6 test pilots in different territories, with local players and stakeholders.

In the event of recurrence or other crises, the negative impacts will therefore be considerably reduced.

These labs must be monitored and supervised with an educational framework, both in terms of human development and the skills expected by the market. And this in a peer-to-peer framework, while being linked to knowledge centers, “Clusters 3.0”, themed tribes, opinion leaders in each of the vital functions of society. (e.g. )

Encourage enriching and using peer-to-peer learning platforms.

ACTION 18: Initiate 3.0 globally connected Clusters 

This should be coordinated with European Commission and Committee of the Regions.

  1. Understanding which players, out of which vital functions of society, are entering which other ones with which smart solutions (new entrants)
  2. Mapping and crossing of business and expertises, and detecting beginnings of new solutions
  3. Crossing sciences in between each other to detect new opportunities and areas of research
  4. Detect the best tools to connect globally distributed knowledge, to accelerate learning curves of new solutions
  5. Detect psychological drives to empower new (collaborative) entrepreneurship 
  6. Define a strategy of Clusters 3.0 to empower and accelerate global transversal collaboration anchored in university- and business- cities, with a territorial impact

B3. Territorial transition roadmap for local authorities

We must share pragmatic roadmaps to help local authorities to mutate, pivot, activate local players, reclaim third-places, etc. All this based on real-time experiences from other cities and territories. Past experiences in progress.

It will be articulated around the major socio-economic and environmental axes of the Donut Economy (which we are revisiting live with Kate Raworth for the moment):

ACTION 19: Roadmaps and measuring tools for progress – Convergence with Action 2

B4. “Family Capital” management roadmap

A family approach, based on the different types of “capital”, basic pillars of family / social cohesion, necessary for building the future. As the crisis will have significantly influenced these various “family treasures”, especially tangible capital, the intention here is to enhance intangible, intangible capital, in order to give hope and rebuild citizen solidity. But without forgetting to bring a visionary intelligence to their real estate capital (to make their homes and possible rental units more sustainable and consolidate):

Financial capital (stocks, bonds, cash, precious metals, …)

Health capital (physical, psychological-emotional)

Talent capital (adapted knowledge, expected talents, attitudes and citizenship)

Relationship capital

Real estate capital (their homes to be sustainabilized, rental homes,…)

Resilience and social peace starts in families. In the couple, in relationships with parents and children. If we skip this piece, the company could be wasting precious time and the basics will not be consolidated.

ACTION 20: Family Capital Consolidation Program – (Ongoing)

B5. Personal Development Management Roadmap

Growing in strength as a person requires to be reassured, informed, educated. It cannot be invented or improvised – the flower with a gun … Yes, everyone aspires to be fulfilled, to be happy, but the path to get there can be difficult. Each one being different, each culture and religion proposes ways, but each one will make its “shopping” according to the affinities.

But there are constants, stages, fundamentals, which come up every time. As a result, it is desirable to create outlines, roadmaps and exercises. There are already many people who have made their way, and they agree to put their experiences on the map, in play, in manuals, in roadbooks – in concrete, pragmatic, non-dogmatic ways. This by not only leaving free will and freedom to everyone, leaving him or her independently, but also without taking power or keeping people dependent.

The essence of the intention is really an “empowerment”: empowering everyone, “empowerment”, at the service of his well-being, and the effectiveness of the projects in which he or she participates. It will be a question of bringing together passions, talents, livelihood and service to the common good, as in the culture of “l’Ikigaï” . If you think of life as a flower, then the center represents “ikigai”, or what holds all of our passions, ambitions, talents and needs together. It is by taking responsibility for finding your ikigai that it will be possible to define the identity and values ​​of each business, company, locality, … and create a coherent whole. It will then be possible to align between what humanity wants to do, says to do and actually does.

Known pieces…

This plan simply consists in aligning the known pieces of the puzzle, of existing methods. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Everything is there. All of these are inexpensive and have the side effect of reconnecting people, building confidence, empowering individuals and teams, pragmatically innovating with existing and underutilized resources, and avoiding turmoil social…

The only “new” pieces are the Center of Systemic Excellence and the “Extrapreneurs” co-entrepreneurship (which is in its 5th edition). But the ingredients are already there, and they work.

Most of this is “brain juice” and therefore links existing points.


Foster “GLOCAL” knowledge clusters (Cosmo-Local): global knowledge connected to local coalitions of actors on the ground. Boost local resilience communities, which contribute to common goods: alliances between citizens, businesses and local authorities, with contacts with science and optional media. It is a high added value leverage effect to re-mesh the local and regional economy, creating new businesses with multiple added values. This is why the economy can be made resilient in the manner of “mangroves”.

Stories and archetypes

Naturally, people respect values ​​much more than the law. How was it done to keep people locked up during confinement? It’s by educating them much more than threatening them with a fine. Or frightening them – but playing on the emotional, more than the rational. Because that’s how humans work. Human beings are transported by stories, they inspire them and help them to behave, to think, they have a far more important effect than a decreed law, or an imposed vision.

Archetypes allow everyone to hang onto something known, which in their brain “connects dowries”. In this way, the narrative connects to people’s brains by lowering the threshold.

Storytelling also relates to the emotional. If we want a commitment, that the “ready” people get wet to co-build, we must inspire them but while reassuring them, with method, steps, and positive emotions.


We are entering the most interesting period in known Western history. A collective restart, a quantum leap of consciousness, a major global mutation. Many new technologies and knowledge are emerging before our very eyes. And maybe, maybe they will offer new answers to old problems…

You too are part of the solution.

And let’s transform Belgium into a territory of resilience.

This plan simply consists in aligning the known pieces of the puzzle, of existing methods. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Everything is there. All of these are inexpensive and have the side effect of reconnecting people, building confidence, empowering individuals and teams, pragmatically innovating with existing and underused resources, and avoiding social turmoil and disruptions.

Michel de Kemmeter :
+32 475 266 

Publications: Benoit Pitsaer,  

Extrapreneurs: Michèle Pasture, 

A few annex publications 

Reference books with systemic transition methodologies:

Academic course on the subject at the business school “Vesalius College VUB”:

Wise Papers:

Coming soon:

  • Wise paper 3b: from the shelf “copy me” templates of multisolutions for local social, economic and environmental resilience
  • Wise Paper 3c: territorial road book to resilience

Basic articles on systemic transition:

With special thanks to :

Non exclusive list of our “Wise Circles”, precious allies in innovation, mentors, think tanks and people who participated in our numerous workshops, publications, and Extrapreneurs :

  • Corinne Dumont, Sequoia, business leadership
  • Marie de Cartier, Club of Brussels
  • Benoît Pitsaer, Club of Brussels
  • Carlos Alvarez, president of spanish Chapter of Club of Rome
  • Jacques de Gerlache, Club of Rome, chemistry
  • Roland Moreau, president of Club of Rome – EU Chapter
  • Patrick Corsi, member of CoR-EU Chapter
  • Carlos A. Gonzalez-Carrasco, founder of Human Conductivity Institute, Santiago de Chili
  • Prof. Derrick Gosselin, chairman of the Belgian Nuclear Research Center SCK CEN
  • Prof. Christian Ghymers, Irelac, Macro-economist
  • Hugo Araujo, CEO 7VORTEX , Mexico City
  • Frédéric Meyvaert, entrepreneur
  • Gaëlle Janssens, The Shift, SDGs
  • Philippe Drouillon, Metamorphosis
  • Rowan Gillies, leadership development, London UK
  • Martin Liu, Lid Publishing, editor, London UK
  • Liliana Carrillo, P2P Foundation
  • Cédric Dumonceau, governance
  • Miguel Declercq, Echos Communications
  • Laurie Dufays, WSBI-ESBG
  • Chantal Vander Vorst, neurosciences
  • Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation, Chang Mai Thailand
  • Marshall Leffertz, Thrive Movement, San Diego USA
  • Cédric Dumonceau, governance
  • Prof. Philippe Dambly, risk and systemics, AXA-LAR
  • Christophe Degauquier, DAP Assurances
  • Luc Dutilleux, president of Cercle Intermills, Malmédy
  • Hortense Albert, student
  • Eric Fabri, University of Oxford
  • Philippe Dambly, HEC Liège
  • Jean-Marc Legrand, TheClubDeal
  • Frédéric Donck, Internet Society, USA
  • Prof. Rudy Aernoudt, senior economist EU
  • Rik Willard, Agentic Group
  • Didier Cartage, ADEB, Confédération Construction
  • Héloïse Leloup, Agence du Numérique
  • Jacques Crahay, Cosucra
  • Piet Vehoeve, Win Winnovation, KULeuven
  • Sven Vankerckhoven, VUB Vesalius College
  • Bart Wuyts, Blenders Turnhout
  • Dominique De Troyer, Prana Coaching
  • Kris Vandervelpen, Flanders Business School
  • Eric Vanden Broele, Graydon NV, Antwerp
  • Arnaud Legrelle, Federgon
  • Serge Fautré, AG Real Estate, Brussels
  • Sefik Birkiye, Architectura
  • Hein Dirix, Tractebel
  • Etienne Davignon, Engie
  • Joan Condyts, LN24
  • Serge Quadbach, L’Echo
  • Baudouin le Hardy de Beaulieu, INBW
  • Jean-Louis Bogaerts, Partena 
  • Vincent Dussaiwoir
  • François Schwennicke, Maroquinerie Delvaux
  • Laurent Brihay, Press Club
  • Paul Grosjean, Lobby
  • Francis Blake, Derbigum
  • Mohcine Jazouli, Moroccan government
  • Zakaria Fahim, BDO Morocco
  • Jacques Despretz, APM Lille
  • Bea Hackula, Women for Africa, Capetown
  • Raza Jafar, Dubai UAE
  • Olivier Muschiete, Kinshasa RDC
  • Mohamed Dalla, Tunis
  • Marie-Louise Anson, Sion CH
  • Mark Eyskens, Minister of State
  • Etienne de Callatay, economist
  • Bertrand Badré, Blue Orange Capital, New York USA
  • Howard Gutman, former ambassador, New York USA
  • Marc Vossen, NRJ Nostalgie
  • and numerous other great people who added value to our work

And our late friends and mentors :

  • Marc Van Gastel FIT , Mike Anson Leading Technologies, Bernard Lietaer, Philippe Maystadt, and Eddy Deflandre INBW, Prof. Philippe de Woot, UCLouvain

Recap of proposed ACTIONS:

ACTION 1: Project on mapping global wisdom on wise attitudes and teachings 

ACTION 2: We must draw up a balance sheet of risks and advantages for each country or region. 

ACTION 3: Special Drawing Rights

ACTION 4: Continental Currency for Africa – AFRO

ACTION 5: National currencies, ex. belgian franc

ACTION 6: Allow and boost City currencies 

ACTION 7: Allow, recognize and boosty local individual-to-individual exchange currencies (SEL, LETS, Time Dollar)

ACTION 8: A strong and coherent mobilizing message

ACTION 9: Boost existing incubation places into public private projects creating more resilience, with adapted training and entrepreneurial programs (ex. Extrapreneurs)

ACTION 10: Systemic Economy Transition Excellence Center & Task Force (has started)

ACTION 11: Large public collaborative information and education campaign on paradigm shift 

ACTION 12: Measure what matters really

ACTION 13: Education programs – (ongoing)

ACTION 14: Crowdsourcing of virtuous ideas for resilience – (ongoing)  

ACTION 15: Implement taxation and relative prices on resources, raw materials, half finished and finished products,  and services

ACTION 16: Initiate and boost local B2B leaders groups 

ACTION 17: Local Co-entrepreneurship local in quintuple helix (Cfr. A5, Action 9)

ACTION 18: Initiate 3.0 globally connected Clusters 

ACTION 19: Roadmaps and measuring tools for progress – (Doughnut, Convergence with Action 2)

ACTION 20: Family Capital Consolidation Program – (Ongoing)