Events & Publications


Club of Brussels Mastermind

Date | 6/1/2023

Time | From 2pm to 5pm

Last registration  On invitation inly

Brussels, Belgium

Mastermind "Intercontinental Wisdom"

Edition 11th: Launch

Date | From 16/10/2023 until 19/12/2023

Last registration on the 16/11/2023

Mainly Zoom phygital

The Extrapreneurs « Special Projects » consists in a full 2 months action-training on real life challenges, or businesses to develop in a systemic regenerative way.

Send us your registration request by mail:


Book Launch

Date | 16/6/2023

Time | from 4pm to 6pm

Last registration on invitation only

London, UK

Official launch of the book « Lets Build the New Earth together - Manifesto Playbook »

Prof Michel A. de Kemmeter presents his latest book with LID Publishing

More Infos

11th Systemic Economy Summit

Date | 23/6/2023

Time | from 9am to 5pm (+reception)

Last registration on the 22/6/2023

Brussels, Belgium

Annuel event on projects, expert keynotes, regeneration islands, fundamentals of society, ...

More informations coming soon

"Become players of the prophecies"

Date | coming soon

Time | ± 5 days

Last registration coming soon

Para del Viento, Andalucia, Spain

Training given by Peter Giblin & Michel de Kemmeter

More informations coming soon 

"Reconnection week"

Date | coming soon

Time | ± 5 days

Last registration coming soon

Standing Rock Ranch, California, USA

Training given by Michel de Kemmeter

More informations coming soon 

"Become players of the prophecies"

Date | coming soon

Time | ± 5 days

Last registration coming soon

Standing Rock Ranch, California, USA

Training given by Peter Giblin & Michel de Kemmeter

More informations coming soon 

"Become players of the prophecies"

Date | coming soon

Time | ± 5 days

Last registration coming soon

Zanzibar, Tanzania

Training given by Peter Giblin & Michel de Kemmeter

More informations coming soon 


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